(13.88 m/45.5 ft)
Pay as you go with billing per sailing day.
Or choose a flat rate for an entire month/year.
Video Data Overlays
Realtime Strip Charts
Photo Export
Runs on Windows and Mac
All data sources
30 day free trial
*all prices excl. EU VAT (where applicable)
Share Data with your Team
Advanced Charts and Maps
Per-Leg Tactical Analysis
Maneuver Analysis
Calibration Reports
Performance Database
4G Live Data (on request)
All data sources
30 day free trial
*all prices excl. EU VAT (where applicable)
Share Data with your Team
Advanced Charts and Maps
Per-Leg Tactical Analysis
Maneuver Analysis
Calibration Reports
Performance Database
4G Live Data (on request)
Video Data Overlays
Realtime Strip Charts
Photo Export
All data sources
30 day free trial
*all prices excl. EU VAT (where applicable)
Let us help answer the most common questions you might have.
The number of team members who can access reports or analyze data (Njord Analytics) or who can load video and prepare debriefs (Njord Player) is not limited, as long as everything relates to the same boat(s).
You only pay for sailing days, i.e. the day that the boat's logging/tracking data was recorded. It does not matter if the data is uploaded at a later date, and you may view/analyze it as often and as long as you like. For continuous multi-day sails (e.g. offshore), only the day of dock-out is counted.
Loading data that is older than 180 days (from recording date to load date) is free of charge.