Njord Analytics screenshot showing map and charting capabilities

Modern Analytics
for Racing Sailors.

Connect your feeling on the water with hard data for the most effective learning.

Sign Up Getting Started Guides

Load Your Boat's Data

Njord Analytics supports a wide range of data sources. Load data easily via browser upload or via email.

Get Performance Insights

Get professional reports instantly or explore data interactively to better understand the performance of your boat.

Wrap Up the Sailing Day Faster

From uploading data to sharing a full report with your team, it often only takes a few minutes.


Njord Analytics Reports Screenshot

Share Reports

Professional reports on starts, races, maneuvers and instrument calibration are created automatically.
Share them with your team via email - the reports look great even on mobile devices.

Njord Analytics Visualizations Screenshot

Visualize Data

View each race or leg in any of five different interactive visualizations, and drill into the data at any point to better understand your boat's performance.

Njord Analytics Tactical Map Screenshot

Tactical Map

See wind shifts and gusts on the race course and review the day's tactical decisions.

Njord Analytics Maneuver Analysis Screenshot

Maneuver Analysis

Find your best maneuvers using the maneuver report. To determine maneuver loss, two different calculation methods and visual explanations are available to suit different conditions.

Njord Analytics Gain/Loss Analysis Screenshot

Instant Gain/Loss Analysis

Compare any two boats over any period of time and see their relative gains in forward/upward/VMG direction.
If tracking data is available in your event (via TracTrac or VirtualEye), you can also compare your boat with competitors.

Fleet Race Report Screenshot

Fleet Race Report

Using the fleet's tracking data, compare the performance of boats on each leg.
Compare distance sailed and average speed, and see how many ranks were gained or lost.

Add Wind Data Screenshot

Add Wind Data

In case wind data is not available from your boat’s log file, you can add it from other sources (e.g. from a coach boat), or even infer the true wind direction from maneuvers to get usable VMG numbers.
Learn how to do this

Performance Database Screenshot

Performance Database

Build a database of your boat’s sailing performance throughout the season. Create and compare baselines across events and export targets for any metric (not limited to boat speed and TWA).

Try Njord Analytics for free.

Your first uploaded log files won't cost you anything.
Use until you're sure that this is the right tool for your team.
After that, you only pay for sailing days.

Sign up for free