All Supported Data Sources

Igtimi YachtBot / WindBot Live Data

Njord Analytics supports Igtimi YachtBot / WindBot live data.

Live data may be displayed using customizable dashboards that are suited for mobile viewing on the water and allow the comparison of up to two boats (e.g. during lineups).


After the shutdown of Igtimi’s servers at the end of 2024, it is possible to connect YachtBot / WindBot units to Njord’s servers directly.

This requires firmware 2.2.540 or later (see changelog) and setting the riot server address to Please contact us to set this up initially.

Trouble loading data? Contact our support team and we'll be glad to help.

You may also find more information on the Igtimi YachtBot / WindBot vendor website:

Njord Analytics is a modern analytics app for racing sailors on all types of dinghies, yachts and multihulls. Njord Player lets you augment video with data overlays for a visual debriefing of your sailing day.