Njord Analytics and Njord Player support CSV log files.
File Extension: CSV
Many types of CSV files are supported, even if they don’t exactly match the format of one of the vendors listed on the data sources overview page. Please read the format specification below if you would like to output your data in a way that Njord Analytics can understand.
It is crucial that accurate timestamp information is contained in the CSV file. The timestamp column could be named: Timestamp
, Datetime
, ISODateTimeUTC
, SecondsSince1970
, or similar. The following formats are supported for timestamp columns:
and Lon
columns are mandatory (except in auxiliary files, such as for wind data), and should be formatted as decimal degrees (ddd.dddddd
For other common metrics, please match the standard names. You may include more columns than that, of course.
To automatically find starts, and the start line, you may include the following columns:
(in seconds): to indicate start times.Portlat
, Portlon
, Stbdlat
and Stbdlon
(all in decimal degrees ddd.dddddd
): to indicate the start line position. It is sufficient if these values appear in at least one row in the CSV file before the start (e.g. when the line is pinged). You don’t need to fill the entire file.Please refer to the following sample file: njord-csv-sample.csv
Trouble loading data? Contact our support team and we'll be glad to help.
Njord Analytics is a modern analytics app for racing sailors on all types of dinghies, yachts and multihulls. Njord Player lets you augment video with data overlays for a visual debriefing of your sailing day.