Frequently Asked Questions

Does Njord Player support 360 degree-type video (e.g. from a Garmin Virb 360)?

Yes, 360 degree video is supported since Njord Player version 2.3.0. Add a 360 degree video and drag/pan the video using your mouse (also during playback).

Do you have a suggestion for a dictaphone, preferably with GPS for time stamping?

Phones (e.g. the iPhone Voice Recorder app) work great as a dictaphone because the timestamps are usually accurate with no effort required.

Other dictaphones work too, but you might have to set the time each morning for it to be accurate.

In any case, it helps to do an audible time countdown at the beginning of the recording, so you can verify the correctness of the recorded timestamp after you load the file in Njord Player.

How to I switch off the dual view in the main window?

From the menu, select View - Window Layout - Single View.

How do I share video with performance data overlays?

Load a video and make sure its timestamp is adjusted properly (to ensure synchronization with your data). In the media list, select the desired video and click "Export" (requires Njord Player 2.5.0 or later).

Does Njord Player run on iPad?

The original Njord Player app does not run on iPad. It runs on Windows and Mac. Find the right download link for your platform on our Njord Player page.

You can try Njord Web Player which runs in any browser, including the iPad's. It does not offer all capabilities of the Njord Player app yet.

I am moving video files off of my laptop onto a hard-drive (running out of space). Does this mean that Njord Player is now looking in the wrong place for the files? Do I have to re-import the media again?

We suggest to keep the Njord Player file (.sail2) in the same folder as your video. E.g., one folder per day usually works great. You can have sub-folders for video, but everything should be in the same top folder. You can then move that entire folder around and it's not going to be a problem for Njord Player.